Friday, June 23, 2006

Schöner Als Kate Von Kates Playground


order by which he granted house arrest to Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia the Giudice per le Indagini Preliminari del Tribunale di Potenza , dr. Alberto Iannuzzi , ha scritto che " Il quadro indiziario risulta ampiamente consolidato e rafforzato ". Infatti durante l'interrogatorio di garanzia al quale è stato sottoposto il principe " decaduto " (in tutti i sensi !) , lo scorso 20 giugno nel carcere di Potenza, Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia ha fatto dichiarazioni « parzialmente confessorie » manifestando la propria disponibilità a offrire « ampia collaborazione ». Pertanto « Tenuto conto dell'atteggiamento serbato durante l'interrogatorio di garanzia, caratterizzato dalla disponibilità ad offrire ampia collaborazione nella ricostruzione dei numerosi episodi delittuosi contestati - scrive il gip - possono ritenersi affievolite le esigenze cautelari ».
TANGENTI . Nell'ordinanza del Tribunale di Potenza si legge: « Il principe ha confermato la corruzione sull'affare di Campione d'Italia ed il quadro indiziario risulta consolidato innanzitutto a seguito delle dichiarazioni confessorie rese da Migliardi , Who has expressly admitted that he had paid a bribe to officials of the intended Monopoli, for issuing permission for distribution of video games .
On corruption Monopoly there was also a confession of Ugo Bonazza , an aide to Vittorio Emanuele , the which has accepted and confessed to having made a link between the entrepreneur Messina Migliardi and Prince (decayed) of Savoy , And subsequently between Narducci and De Luca .
With regard to the 'deal Champion of Italy, "the judge for preliminary investigations pointed out that" are relevant and fundamental statements essentially made by eligible Savoy, who confirmed the conclusion of the Agreement concluded between corrupt himself, Rizzani, Bonazza (which was meant as a nominee of Migliardi Rocco) and the mayor of the city Roberto Salmoiraghi , which, according to the admission of the prince, was the recipient of a "Committee " expressly agreed between the parties concerned, and that, for the extreme caution used in telephone conversations, clearly alluding to the payment of a bribe '.
PROSTITUTES - Again " the statements made by Savoy prove a more than linear in the agreement that customers that they should attend the Casino of Campione would been offered a 'complete package' , alluding, in a not too veiled to the possibility that they were made available to customers of the same prostitutes. "
Here's what he said about his sexual tastes, Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia :
Magistrate : "Prince, these women that she asked Bonazza , these prostitutes ... He asked with a certain insistence ... Why this obsession in asking these inconri con queste prostitute ?».
Vittorio Emanuele.: « Sono un «sessomaniaco ».
Magistrato: «Poi dava anche delle preferenze: bionda, bruna...».
Vittorio Emanuele : « Mi lasci raccontare: il 99% non c'era niente perché non funzionava...»
Magistrato : «Che cosa non funzionava?».
Vittorio Emanuele " not worked because it was not to bring the point where my wife was there, then once a ... took me a redfish that I said: "The Madonna, that's fine with Miss ". "
Magistrate, "Joking aside, she also gave indications of the physical."
Vittorio Emanuele " Yes, to change ... see ... because sometimes one is looking for a brunette .
Magistrate "prefer to meet in un posto piuttosto che in un altro?».
Vittorio Emanuele : « Sì, perché io sono sposato da 45 anni con mia moglie e sono molto contento. Ma sono cacciatore e di tanto in tanto mi piace anche sparare... Così basta; si paga e chiuso. Non ci sono amanti, non c'è niente. E' come andare al cinema !».
Magistrato : «Ma va spesso al cinema?».
Vittorio Emanuele ; « No, ormai con la televisione....».
BORDER - With regard to incidents of corruption involving the Border Police, Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia admitted some of the objections, clarifying that the "privileged step " arose at the border ' by the need to escape VAT on property carried . Vittorio Emanuele , adds Gip Iannuzzi, also clarified " the terms of bribery, implemented through the payment of money in exchange for complacency by dell'addetto control, about the subject and the reasons for the transport .
Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia found his time in the schedules of P2 (ticket number 1621) outlaws led by the Masonic Lodge " venerable master .... Licio Gelli , was arrested on June 16 along with 12 other people: now is accused of criminal association with different purposes. The assumptions are heavier than the competition in corruption - for an alleged bribe paid to the State Monopoly in order to unlock the clearance of the gaming companies owned by entrepreneur Rocco Messina Migliardi - and exploitation of prostitution - for 'all inclusive packages' intended for customers of the Casino of Campione d' Italy. Also pending against him for allegedly also tried to promote the real-estate of an Italian businessman with his cousin Simeon , former king and former Bulgarian Prime Minister. A case that has raised a fuss mica to laugh .... in Bulgaria.
We want to take this opportunity to recall some statements to the press by his son Emanuele Filiberto , phrases that in the aftermath of confessions, speak for themselves! We prefer not to persecute ...
" pm I hope the advertising is in search of some of the charges move, otherwise it will be the last of his blitz .
" Anyone can realize that my dad is not a person that they need to handle some traffic. Exploitation of prostitution? You must be joking . A small thing to comfort me. I received many telephone calls of solidarity. They called me too many politicians of the past and the present majority .
from Corriere della Sera (June 17, 2006): "The took like a bandit. A street thug. Shame. They want to muddy humiliate with absurd accusations. charges that have nothing to do with the personality of my father. "
from Corriere della Sera (June 18, 2006):" It gives me great bitterness read bits of the private telephone calls Our family newspaper. parts of sentences out of context which can be given any interpretation. I did not think could be a violation so intimate and disturbing "
by Corriere della Sera (20giugno 2006): " Despite his lawyers had advised him not to answer questions from lawyers, said it wanted to do because it has nothing to hide and not accused of anything . trust the Italian justice system and is confident that his statements could clarify his position and prove his innocence .
now remains to be seen whether the young " scion " Emanuele Filiberto verrà coinvolto nell'inchiesta, in quanto gli sarebbe contestato un episodio relativo a un'incursione informatica mirante a oscurare un sito sgradito a " Casa ( o bordello ?) Savoia ". Nel caso potrà sempre nascondesi il viso e gli occhi, con la sua nuova linea di occhiali !


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