Saturday, June 24, 2006

Recipefor Sevrin Breadmaker


In a letter published today by the Corriere della sera the investigating judge dr. Alberto Iannuzzi Power of the Court, states that it nessuna velleità da star, e che l'indagine ha avuto risonanza contro la volontà dei giudici. Questa la lettera:

" Colpiscono e destano qualche ragionevole perplessità alcune immagini suggestive, evocate sui quotidiani nazionali, a proposito dell’inchiesta legata all’arresto del principe Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia e altri appartenenti al suo entourage. Si parla di « rumore » e « bolle di sapone », immagini che sembrano contrastare col peso specifico del provvedimento restrittivo e la complessità delle imputazioni ( associazione a delinquere, corruzione, favoreggiamento prostitution, sexual extortion ...), but recall that alarming facts, it is reasonable to expect that, before judging, the critics should think carefully about the events under investigation. History seems to repeat itself, marking the time of a process parallel to what the media should take place in the courtroom.

is expressed disbelief, there is a debate on the necessity of the arrest, the use of preventive detention and wiretapping, which in theory are considered necessary to ensure serious crimes, except raise the suspicion that the case are used in a distorted way to formulate, sometimes, an assessment of prior acquittal, but always when it comes to great characters, in defiance of the principle that all citizens are equal before the law.
The scandal is exacerbated by the ending interception in the newspapers, which keep their distance INTRODUCTION OF commentators the excuse that in a competitive if not the public one will publish another. In an atmosphere already highly polluted fit personal attacks, mainly directed to investigators fished out of the old judicial events in a distorted way.

In this scenario, I decided to intervene , exposing the media onslaught, to refocus attention on what could become the gossip facts revealed by based (it's legitimate claim of judges) on solid evidence. no ambitions to star, the only attempt to give insight on a survey that, against the wishes of the judges, had resonance. I do not think you have anticipated my conviction on the developments of the investigation or harmed the image of impartiality of the judge. Moreover, if the restrictive measures have surprised even those most concerned, it is because the survey was conducted in rispetto del riserbo e del segreto investigativo. È ovvio che la conoscenza del contenuto del provvedimento da parte degli interessati ha fatto sì che il suo patrimonio conoscitivo sfuggisse al controllo del giudice.
Pare che alcuni attacchi al gip siano dettati da motivi slegati dalla legittima critica del provvedimento.
Il magistrato che cerca di fare il suo dovere in modo libero e indipendente, spesso, soprattutto se incappa in vicende così gravi, incontra ostacoli. Ricordo un passo di Pietro Calamandrei, tratto da «Elogio dei giudici». Il giurista fiorentino, parlando di un magistrato che ai tempi del fascismo era definito « magistrate red, "writes that" was not really either red or gray: it was only a fair conscience, unwilling to deny justice to do the will of squad. " We live, fortunately, in a democratic country. Where they exist, however, threats to the independence of the magistrate, not the least tied to the cathode ray tube. Now I wonder: the moral question that is not always about is agitated, for which other countries on the maid irregularity enough to wipe out political careers, has disappeared from the institutional agenda? "

Alberto Iannuzzi ( investigating judge of the Court di Potenza )
Riflessione che condividiamo e sottoscriviamo al 100%, ma forse nel nostro Paese la Legge (secondo " i furbetti del salottino ") non è uguale per tutti !


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