Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Does Running Change Your Menstrual Cycle

"Verginella ".... HOUSE OF SAVOY!

the decay (in all senses!) Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia has thought well to give once again the usual interview ... honey to journalistic duty, in a vain attempt to download on people that surrounded his father Vittorio Emanuele , responsibilities at home and vice Savoy .
interview the newspaper released today The Republic , the young man "House of Savoy" after esersi dissociated from his father ..... you forget to tell him that even in Switzerland, is not doing so well because of some problemimo current fiscal with the Swiss tax authorities, linked to the restaurant "Il Quirinale "which he recently opened in the Swiss resort, in partnership with the family Chopard (Which according to our sources is that which has funded the initiative). According to the Swiss tax authorities, the young man home Savoy would try to evade taxes, a feature that is common with the rest of the family as evidenced by interception and admission of the same Vittorio Emanuele before the Prosecutor of Republic of power, showing the "vice" ... not wanting to pay taxes even on clothing purchased abroad by his wife Marina Doria !
Evidently " Savoy House " affected in some way ... the big economic crisis that hit, the designer who dressed the wife of Vittorio Emanuele . In fact, according to our information more reliable, all postdated checks delivered by the designer in question to some modeling agencies in Milan, which had provided the models for the fashion show last season (March 2006) to "Milan Fashion " event organized by the National Chamber of Italian Fashion are back "discovered", that is priceless!
would be really fun to discover what would all the iniquities of which Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia blames ex-friend and clerk of the court, and that the journalist Regulus Luciano, director of the weekly NOVELLA2000, which in the past was the author of several books "dedicated" and "inspired" to the family Savoy, including whose life story of Regina Elena di Savoia , entitled " Ielena " pubblicato con la prefazione, sapete di chi ? Proprio di Vittorio Emanuele ! Ma si sa i tempi cambiano, e le allenze pure....
Nel frattempo alla corte di casa Savoia è arrivato (pare, introdotto dal loro p.r. romano Massimo Leonardelli ) un' altro giornalista, Alfonso Signorini attuale vice-direttore del settimanale CHI che porta a great gift: it is always bitter rival and enemy Regulus. In this case it is easy to mind an old-algebraic mathematical equation that states: " reversing the order of terms and factors, the product does not change . I wonder if " House of Savoy," someone studied, since Vittorio Emanuele stopped at the scientific level!
how is it possible not to laugh and not to criticize Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia , when he says " have not yet gone to see my father Vittorio Emanuele Romans under house arrest because" media is not the time ?! But evidently the heir of the now vanished "House of Savoy " lives only reflectors .... senz'accorgersi that after this scandal will go out forever!
the way, if want to make you laugh, go and visit the site www.disavoia.it put in lipids from ' Association Valori & Futuro presieduta da Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia ! Si parla di " Democrazia, Famiglia, Religione Cristiana, Tolleranza, Onore, Lealtà, Rispetto del prossimo, Tradizione, Solidarietà, ecc ". Cioè di tutto quello di cui la famiglia Savoia è evidentemente priva alla luce dei documenti processuali.
Ma questi " signori "... non potevano restarsene in Svizzera, dove di fatto ancor'oggi risiedono, invece di cercare di tornarsene in Italia per i loro affarucci, le loro trombatine con prostitute da 200 €uro, cercando persino di comprare a due lire delle proprietà immobiliari in Italia, fra quelle sequestrate dalla Direzione Investigativa Antimafia alla malavita organizzata ?
E cos'altro aggiungere allorquando il giovanotto Emanuele Filiberto , si ostina ad annunciare alla stampa ancor'oggi : " Controllerò uno per uno i 3912 Cavalieri e Dame, rivaglierò la loro posizione. Il nostro ordine è un'istituzione seria, nata 572 anni fa, con scopi nobili ed umanitari. Qualcuno ne ha approfittato, must make great cleaning . "In fact this is right .... especially when facing inward and close entourage of" House of Savoy !


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