Saturday, July 1, 2006

Phenixski 2009 - 2010

AltaRoma: "FREE" TO ... disinformation?

Again, one of the fashion journalists "on chip", ie Chiara Pellegrini , is exercised on the pages of the chronicle of the Roman newspaper FREE to misinform their readers, telling of a rivalry that does not exist, namely that between AltaRoma the consortium for public actions, control the Chamber of Commerce, the City of Rome and the Lazio Region , e l' Amministrazione Provinciale di Roma guidata dal capace e dinamico Presidente Enrico Gasbarra .
Infatti fra gli azionisti di AltaRoma e la Provincia di Roma , non vi è nessun genere di problema, anzi come ben noto a tutti coloro che di politica ci capiscono qualcosa, vi è un'unità di intenti, progetti e vedute, che in nessun'altra parte d'Italia esiste. Veltroni, Mondello, Marrazzo e Gasbarra sono un tutt'uno. Ma tutto questo la giornalista di LIBERO non lo scrive . Non lo sa ? O....chissà perchè !
Il vero problema è che Dominella , l'attuale Presidente di AltaRoma , ormai prossimo alla scadenza del suo mandato (2007) , non gode più da tempo della stima di Gasbarra , sia per un vecchio sgarbo ricevuto during the election campaign for elections to the Provincial Council which saw prevail Enrico Gasbarra ( center) on the outgoing President Silvano Moffa ( AN-National Alliance), but also a shameful series of public insults and accusations made by the "usual" Dominella against Enrico Gasbarra .
It's not all. In fact, from Andrea Mondello to Walter Veltroni from Pietro Marrazzo to Enrico Gasbarra are all area center, and all well aware of and tired of the numerous written and telephone complaints received by the designers participating in the week of fashion shows organized by AltaRoma , against abuses of private interests and the waste of Dominella .
We want to talk about some of its employees and consultants, cleared Gattinoni and " arranged" by Dominella the "rump" of AltaRoma ( Series: pays so pants! ) , to repeated and unnecessary campaigns in newspapers and on posters that were used exclusively as it happens .... models donning clothes Gattinoni , or the various resentments and attitudes from "first woman ..." by Dominella , manifestati nei confronti degli altri stilisti ?
O vogliamo per caso parlare dell'utilizzo, in passato, di ben tre uffici stampa (di cui ben due, società milanesi, che lavorano anche per la Gattinoni !) ingaggiati da Dominella per promuovere sui giornali ed in televisione, più se stesso che gli stilisti e la manifestazione di AltaRoma ? Ma anche questo LIBERO non he says, nor write it. Who knows why ....!
The statements of former District Councillor for AN the City of Rome, arranged by the Presidency Storace for Lazio Region's Board of Directors AltaRoma of which he is vice-chairman (with the suitcases in hand!) appeared in the newspaper Sunday FREE in the chronicle of Rome, which she expressed in against Gasbarra are more than ridiculous and pathetic!
Why does De Rivera, instead of preoccupation with the problems of Province of Rome, which are nothing compared to those in which they are employed his "friends" of the National Alliance not going to reread what has cost the banks AltaRoma desired by the television shows Dominella with special collaboration ... 's Opus Dei (!!!), and organized at the expense of taxpayers in the Galleria Colonna and the Stadium of Marble in Rome? Again this the journalist FREE has a short memory. Who knows why ....!
is not a coincidence .... I hope that the 'last year's shareholders AltaRoma have appointed a CEO, a manager of training and experience of Confindustria, of total trust of the President 's National Unioncamere Andrea Mondello, whose hands are more informed and disinterested passed the full economic and financial management of AltaRoma , which put an end to "gay ".... costs of Dominella .
The Afan derive would do well to rest and then think rather than the extravagance of his "cronies " of AN-Alleanza Nazionale , alle telefonate ed alle raccomandazioni sessuali in uso nel suo partito, ed alle convenzioni sanitarie stipulate dalla Regione Lazio (sotto la Presidenza Storace ), a dir poco "sospette" , con società di gestione dei laboratori clinici di proprietà della famiglia Fini !
Dov'era la Afan De Rivera , quando il precedente CdA di Altaroma nominava Presidente " Onorario " Beppe Modenese , pagato "onorariamente" (attraverso la sua società, lo Studio GM di Milano ) per stilare il calendario delle sfilate romane , incassando la modica... somma di circa 25.000 euro l'anno , più rimborsi e spese di viaggio, senza praticamente far nulla ! Dati i risultati... e le polemiche, se non è uno spreco questo, ed un conflitto d'interesse, di cos'altro vogliamo occuparci ? Non abbiamo mai visto un Presidente essere " Onorario ", e nel frattempo farsi pagare . Altro che (presunti) sprechi di Gasbarra . Its initiatives, sequalcuno wants to think seriously, they have external support and even save AltaRoma !
The Afan De Rivera (perhaps with assistance from ... Dominella ) should explain to the journalist Chiara Pellegrini , why a designer (such Vitti ) from her "imposed" in an earlier edition of AltaRoma , has yet to settle their accounts .... with the administration of the public consortium! The improvised " spokesman ... political Borough Dominella should also understand, but only for his last ...., acquaintances that if the designers more representative of 'high Italian fashion, they prefer to remove yourself at Palazzo Valentini in his home and institutional the Province of Rome, rather than at the AltaRoma , there will also be a cause ...! Why did the journalist of FREE did not think to ask the four stilisti in questione ? Ed in tal caso, sì che se ne sarebbero lette e sentite delle belle ! Ma forse è meglio limitarsi alle " balle ", vero signorina Pellegrini ?
Che ridere poi leggere su LIBERO , di " consueto fair play " di Dominella , nell'invitare Gasbarra alla conferenza stampa di AltaRoma ben sapendo che non verrebbe ever, much less send out even one of ' Provincial Administration of Rome ! And 'maybe "fair play " threaten (unnecessarily!) Of to throw out the press room AltaRoma a professional journalist, guilty of having attacked in the press conference?
And who knows if the Afan derive always want to call " usual fair-play" the "death threats " telephone directed by Dominella at the fashion show last January, another good professional and serious journalist from RAI (at that time on leave and a press officer for the parades AltaRoma ) which was followed by a letter of apology signed by the same Dominella, that was imposed by the shareholders of AltaRoma ? But what " usual fair play" ... we talking about?
about " climate of cooperation with institutions , "Mrs. Afan De Rivera want to say ... and maybe take kindly tell the journalist FREE , who has" reinforced "or" recommended "her face. .., the article of his dear friend AnnaMaria Greek the editorial staff of daily Roman THE JOURNAL against the fashion show organized by the Municipality of Rome in the United States, which came the clothes the stylist Renato Balestra , an initiative of the deputy mayor of Rome propio Maria Pia Garvaglia ( who has the delegates to the fashion and tourism), and that has brought benefits for the image, economy and tourism made in Italy.
Article that of the Greek , what a coincidence ... .... just came out randomly during the recent election campaign for the office of Mayor of Rome!
And finally ... while Dominella know how " attacked" ... to his chair as President of AltaRoma , nonostante poi in privato si lamenti sempre dicendo che vuole andarsene (senza però mai farlo !) , la Afan De Rivera ha mai sentito parlare di " spoil-system " per le nomine di competenza della Regione Lazio , o anche lei non ha altro da fare...?!!!
Ma forse la giornalista.... Chiara Pellegrini ha scritto il suo articolo approfittando della circostanza che il suo caposervizio della redazione romana di LIBERO , the good and nice Enrico Paoli , probably during the weekend was out of office!
In conclusion, let us ask a question in public Dominella and his deputy ... Afan De Rivera , but when you go?


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