Thursday, July 6, 2006

Peeing Often With A Headache


How, Dear readers of this blog, why not give the journalist Maria Laura Rodotà of Corriere della sera , now in his article said the embarrassing interview (for those who have given , and in our opinion even if you published it!) issued by the wife of "gentleman" Alessandro Moggi ?
Rodotà The second strategic reason for us when he writes that "the squalid non-delta rotocalchesco Moggi junior - wife Moggi junior - Ilaria D'Amico hides complex economic and social links (between the first two plus the father-maybe) "and after a careful study of .... magazines, adds that the questions come to mind as the following:
1) Why Fabrizia Lonardi, mother of two school-age children (the boy is called Luciano Moggi , so feared already have complex relationships with their friends) and owner of a company pierre, instead of silencing contact ABOUT for megaintervista? It was wise to respond to interviews Ilaria D'Amico ?
Would not it make more sense to keep quiet, since the interception of her husband Alessandro (' I spent ten thousand euro to bring D'Amico in Paris and He stood me up ) noterella on the sidelines is a scandal? To her, the woman of communication, the idea is floated that the award show, the fans in an uproar, the consequences probably longstanding dell'ambaradan of D'Amico and her husband already did not matter to anybody? But no, the problem is as follows: " But it seems that I need to find ... Ilaria D'Amico talks about that on my husband who, my consolation weekly ? .
Ugly, sure. But sobering: a woman who, in his words, he " life dizzying " big houses, jewelry, and private aircraft well for her, must console themselves by reading WHO? is a great product, but then with a euro and ninety one consolation also be precarious.
2) Why Ilaria D'Amico, who is always on TV and has no bad criticism, which already has a lot of publicity itchy - assuming they want - whenever it comes out to drink a Fanta with her friend Monica Bellucci , continued to ravanare Travel to Paris with Moggi junior ? Claiming such a seizure (he said to take it from Forli to Milan, he told, but the plane landed in Paris), criticizing the restaurant where the abductor had taken her (too nouvelle cuisine), still sleeping in a room by himself offered to non-economic Pla-za-Athenée , and then judging the action moggesca " inelegant." It was really kidnapped? The Lonardi denies' I got to the flight plan ... did Rome-Paris leg and then Paris-Napoli ... No change to Forlì . almost certainly make the betrayed wife is a full time job, do some sports presenter leads to strange acquaintances, but in short:

3) Now that Paris (Milan for less ) there are great deals on both scheduled and on low cost, because a host - always in case it has not been kidnapped - opt to miniviaggio so challenging and expensive with someone who does not like? Not to keep good relations, as the epilogue. It is a story demotiverà so many girls who want to become conductors? Already there are more interceptions (case Savoia-Sottile ) che fanno da deterrente.

4) La famiglia Moggi (junior) è un modello? Con lui che ( parole di lei ) mantiene tutti nel lusso però un po' « fa il pagliaccio », e alla fine « non si cancellano sei anni di matrimonio per una leggerezza »? Con lei che assolve al volo (dopo aver visto il piano di volo) il marito e se la prende con l'altra che peraltro dice di averlo rifiutato perché coniugato? Denunciando « una donna che non ha una famiglia forse non si rende conto del dolore che può provocare »? Tra protervie (offensive per le singole come categoria) di coniugate semitradite, interviste imbarazzanti di lavoratrici altrimenti valide, soliti silenzi da pesce in barile dei mariti coinvolti (vabbé, di Moggi jr ) viene da rispondersi: chissenefrega dei Moggi e della D'Amico . Ridateci Moggi senior e gli arbitri. Non sono edificanti, ma sono meno deprimenti, per le donne che seguono gli scandali (e anche per gli uomini, a furia di sentire di «porcelle doc» anche qualche uomo comincia a inorridire, ed è l'unica buona notizia oltre ai gol di Grosso and del Piero , France).
* * * * * *
About Moggi and GEA World , currently in liquidation (finally!), we found a "gem . The Fair-organized event annualmente dalla Gea World , e la cui conduzione-presentazione avrebbe dovuto essere il contenuto delcolloquio-incontro fra Moggi Jr . e la D'Amico , lo scorso anno è stata organizzata a Milano presso la sede del Milano Fiera Center , dove gli uffici amministrativi della Fiera sono ancora in attesa di vedersi pagate le fatture emese per l'affitto della locations e dei servizi congressuali prestati per la manifestazione.
Qualcuno può pregare le leggiadre " signorine " Geronzi ed il their guardian ie father Cesare President of the banking group Capitalia , and "brilliant ".... Master Moggi jr. want to provide for the payment of their debts before disappearing as usual with a pocket full? !
PS I wonder who will take care of her husband ... now "unemployed" Miss Chiara Geronzi , namely Mr. "-nothing" Fabrizio Lombardo, who the interception of Carabinieri it was discovered that tramava anche lui per mettere anche lui le mani nella "merenda-calcio" della GEA World ?


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