Sunday, July 2, 2006

Feet Smelling In Nylon

Altamoda: SOZZANI, our growth and Modena. BELLA COMPANY THAT ..!

Modenese & Dominella in the photo: The cat and the fox ...

Unbelievable but true! Also Sunday, the newspaper FREE , with the usual ... journalist Chiara Pellegrini , returned to address the upcoming Altamoda parades to be held in Rome next July 10 to 14, and a fake controversy "pumped" by the usual suspects to art ( Dominella & Company = Modenese ) just to get the papers!
The newspaper FREE yesterday, ie Sunday, July 2 on page 50 in the chronicle of Rome, argues (and it's true!) Title:
The editor of VOGUE ITALY, organized in Milan
a parade in the days when there Altaroma
e fin qui, se quest'articolo fosse stato scritto e titolato la settimana scorsa, sarebbe stato tutto corrispondente alla verità, ma poichè la giornalista Pellegrini non solo è disinformata, ma anche male " imbeccata " dalle sue fonti a cui non solo dà credito ma anche la facoltà di farsi intervistare (alias Beppe Modenese ) per mentire spudoratamente !
fact that Sozzani as he told this website, together with the ' Hon Santanchè of AN-National Alliance, and then "connect" the party that will result Afan , Vice-President pro tempore of AltaRoma , who just the day before, just on the pages of FREE , quipped criticizing the reference to " climate of cooperation with institutions "..... ) same planning a television show in Milan, it is true. Just as it is true that the Sozzani was against it e trasmetterla in tv su Canale5 il 12 luglio, proponendo intelligentemente il mese di setttembre. Mentre è stata l' On.Santanchè ad insistere ed impuntarsi il 12 luglio, in quanto era l'unica data disponibile " agratis " per gli organizzatori come si suol dire a Roma, "pressata" dalla società di produzione Newton di Milano, società che ormai si arrampica ormai anche sugli specchi pur di produrre qualcosa !
Ma quello che la Pellegrini e LIBERO non sanno, e che invece questo sito ha già reso pubblico e che la sfilata, che sarebbe stata condotta da Luca Barbareschi , è stata annullata e quindi non si farà più nè a luglio, nè a settembre. E quindi l'articolo della Pellegrini non solo disinformato ed incompleto, quanto altrettanto inutile ! Altra " perla "... di opportunismo è quella di far parlare il vecchio Beppe Modenese , presentandolo come Presidente Onorario della Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana di Milano, carica veritiera ma priva di alcun potere real representation, a position also held in Rome in similar AltaRoma (appointment desired by our growth and approved by the Board old) with one small difference: while in Milan the National Chamber dellaModa Italian , for two years now no longer any task entrusted to the company's business and organizational Modenese (the GM Studio di Milano), Rome is still standing a contract with AltaRoma ending with this event through which the Modenese moves home to the calendar of all, earning the modest sum of ... € 25,000 of public money! Again, not bad at the office "charges" paid, true Modenese ?!
How can you not laugh when Modenese declares "The misunderstanding between Enrico Gasbarra our growth and not is nothing new. E 'from last year who can not agree. I've tried but I could not ?! But in what would then have to agree? To pay € 500,000 (money requested from the Province of Rome) for no reason, to enter into a consortium literally paralyzed by the inefficiency of those who presided over so far? It's good then Enrico Gasbarra not to use the money from the Provincial Administration of Rome , which are therefore public money, only to pay the former employees and consultants Dominella commercials .... clothing of Gattinoni , the parades "pathetic" in Russia outside the official calendar of the Russian Fashion Week , literally being snubbed by Moscow, and those ever held in the rich markets. Arab countries, China, etc..?
Modenese But, you know ... is devoted to consulting, such as the one he had brought home by the young President Province Florence , Matteo Renzi, groped with which they wanted to undermine the supremacy of the square of Milan through the project "Fashion Rooms " with financial support from one million e 500 mila euro stanziati dalla Provincia di Firenze e dalla Regione Toscana ! Solo che a Roma si dice: " Non c'è trippa per gatti ! ". Non a caso sono in tanti nella moda italiana a chiedersi cosa aspettino Beppe Modenese e la sua socia Carla Ling data anche le rispettive età (senza voler offendere nessuno ! ) a ritirarsi ed a godersi le rispettive meritate pensioni. Nell'articolo di domenica della Pellegrini sul quotidiano LIBERO non si riesce a capire why did the Province of Rome should have invited the press conference the summit AltaRoma after Dominella last year said the following words:
" Province is perhaps too" provincial "to participate in our adventure .
that elegantly Enrico Gasbarra not even deign to reply, proving to be the gentleman he is, and make his leaving a good impression ... usual Dominella . Also, remember once again to our many loyal readers who last year 's Dominella stated do not know yet whether he would remain in the presidency (now without executive powers) of AltaRomAltaModa to the difficulty of managing this task .... next to that of Chief Consolidated Maison Gattinoni .
" High Fashion needs to change ," he said to journalists in the press conference, but perhaps our growth after having had to sell the company (including debts!) which managed the brand Gattinoni , which was never owned by him but rather the heirs of the unforgettable Donna Fernanda Gattinoni, must have "fond" the chair too di Presidente di AltaRoma che gli garantisce una visibiltà che altrimebnti scomparirebbe nel giro di poche ore.
Altra inesattezza scritta da LIBERO è quella che la Sozzani , " due giorni prima della sfilata sarà nella Capitale per raccogliere i fondi per i suoi giovani stilisti di "Who in on the Next" che da qualche stagione sfilano a Roma " .
fact Sozzani (or rather the Condé Nast, the publisher and advertising agency for Italy Vogue, Glamour. GQ. Vanity Fair, Vogue Sposa etc.). € 40,000 cash out in Rome advertising required to AltaRoma to provide visibility ... on their papers to the Roman event, while the money earned by the charity dinner in favor of CONVIVIO should end up in the coffers of ' ANLAIDS Lombardia (and I wonder why not in the Latium ?) After paying the venue, catering the dinner and composition that seems to be treated ... the "companion" of Sozzani, who also happens to be the Artistic Director of VOGUE ITALY!
On one thing the Pilgrims is right: the press conference Tuesday to Province of Rome, he ... To see some good laugh though, we recommend you try to AltaRoma !


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