Thursday, January 8, 2009

Jenna Jameson The Measure Online

Mothia e le Saline di Trapani

The coast from Trapani to Marsala leads offers an extraordinary spectacle, in which we put the salt and the reserve of "islands of the Lagoon, a vast lagoon of 2000 hectares including San Pantaleo (ancient Mozia), School, Santa Maria island Grande, where a marine lagoon and its islands, all private property except the small ones, have a succession of environments, salt marshes, salt marshes, freshwater ponds, reed beds, evergreen patches. The natural vegetation is different depending on the distance from the sea along the coasts may be found accumulations of sea grass, marine marigolds, which are present only in Western Sicily. Wetlands provide stagnone home to millions of birds migrating from Africa (Herons, Riders of Italy, Avocets, kestrels). In the heart of the lagoon is the island of Mothia ancient Phoenician colony of 'the eighth century BC , flourishing commercial center connecting routes to Spain and central Italy, became for her the happy position geographic center of the Mediterranean to the subject of interest in the Greeks and Carthaginians fight for dominance of Sicily, who see it involved and finally destroyed in 397 BC, when Dionysius the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse, the conquest and forced the inhabitants to flee the island and fold in nearby Lylibeo.Mothia is an example of perfect balance between landscape and monuments, which began with this century bought the island to carry out archaeological excavations that have unearthed many relics of the Phoenicians and the statue "Young man with Tunica" discovered in 1979, all preserved in the Villa Whitaker became a museum. In this magnificent Mediterranean garden one of the most charming to behold are the necropolis, the mosaics, "Tophet" sacred area, where human sacrifices were carried out in honor of Baal and Astarte, the "Choton", a small artificial harbor probably used for loading and unloading of goods, the house of mosaics and numerous remains that enrich the island. WhitakerIl Museum museum created by Joseph Whitaker, the first archaeologist island, born of English origin (1850) and raised in Palermo, contains numerous artifacts from the excavations he made at Mozia Birgi and Lilibeo, items recovered as a result of agricultural work, from other donations and purchases made on the market antiquario.Al Inside we find a superb group of stone with two lions attacking a bull, a grinning mask, di significato apotropaico, vasi in pasta vitrea policroma, di tipo greco e punico, stele funerarie. Nella sala con il lucernario, vecchio cortile della palazzina Whitaker, si trova la famosa statua marmorea del cosiddetto "Giovane di Mozia", rinvenuta il 26 ottobre 1979, nel settore nord -orientale dell'isola. Realizzata in marmo bianco, a grana grossa cristallina, di provenienza microasiatica, la scultura รจ alta, allo stato attuale cm. 181. Tra i reperti, anche umili manufatti quali strumenti da lavoro domestico, e tanti altri oggetti di uso comune che documentano i molteplici aspetti della vita quotidiana.


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